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KUDH Basics: 文献管理ソフトウェア・ワークショップのご案内


Kyoto University Digitization Hub of the Humanities, Social and Cognitive Sciences (KUDH)

KUDH Basics: 文献管理ソフトウェア・ワークショップのご案内

*English follows Japanese.


そのため、今年度から初学者でもデジタルツールを実践できるようになることを目的に、「Kyoto University Digitization Hub of the Humanities, Social and Cognitive Sciences (KUDH) Basics」と題したワークショップシリーズを始動し、第1弾として夏にLaTeX講座を開催したほか、専門家向けに京都大学デジタル人文学国際会議KUDH2021 ”Digital Transformation in the Humanities”も開催しました。

 そして、この度、2月17日と21日にKUDH Basicsワークショップの第2弾である文献管理ソフトウェア・ワークショップを開催する運びとなりました。2月17日は学内限定で、京都大学総合図書館のスタッフによる、文献管理ソフトとオープンサイエンスへの入門講座が、2月21日には、学外の方も参加可能な、人文知連携拠点のスタッフによる、近年人気が高まっている文献管理ソフトZoteroの使い方のレクチャーが行われます。



1日目:2月17日(木)13:15〜14:45 [学内限定]

「論文検索・文献管理ツール・オープンサイエンスの基礎」(by 京都大学総合図書館)

  1. [八木澤ちひろ] 現在の図書館サービスについて(10分)
  2. [録画視聴] はじめての論文検索: CiNii Articles (25分)
  3. [録画視聴] 文献管理ツールの使い方: EndNote Basic (25分)
  4. [西岡千文] オープンサイエンスの動向について(15分) [後日録画公開]
  5. 質疑応答(15分)


2日目:2月21日(月)13:15〜14:45 [学内外; 後日録画公開]

「文献管理ソフトウェアZotero入門」(by 人文知連携拠点)

  1. [宮川創] Zotero について(20分)
  2. [宮川創] Google ScholarやCiNiiから文献情報をインポートする(10分)
  3. [宮川創] Zoteroを用いてWordで文献を引用する(30分)
  4. [宮川創] BibTeXとZoteroを交互に用いる(10分) 
  5. [宮川創] Zoteroを用いてLaTeXで文献を引用する(10分)
  6. 質疑応答(10分)





  • 参加無料、要事前予約(先着30名程度、見逃し配信は人数無制限)
  • 録画した映像は、人文知連携拠点文学研究科・文学部成果公開WEB(https://www.ceschi.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kyoten/)に掲載されます。後日視聴する場合、事前予約は必要ございません。
  • 2日目(2月21日)のZotero講座は京都大学以外に所属する方でも参加可能です。
  • すべての講演は日本語で行われますが、日本語・英語・ドイツ語・沖縄語による質問に対応可能です。

主催:京都大学大学院文学研究科附属文化遺産学・人文知連携センター 人文知連携拠点



KUDH Basics: Reference Management Software Workshop

At last year’s public symposium of the Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University, the Innovative Hub for Inter Humanities created a forum for discussion of “digital humanities,” which looks toward the joining and collaboration of the humanities and computer science. These days when the use of digital tools is becoming a basic literacy for researchers, this symposium provided an opportunity to think about the challenges of the “digital humanities” and the education required to meet them.

To this end, this year we launched a workshop series entitled “Kyoto University Digitization Hub of the Humanities, Social and Cognitive Sciences (KUDH) Basics,” with the aim of enabling even novice scholars to put digital tools into practice. A workshop series titled “Kyoto University Digitization Hub of the Humanities, Social and Cognitive Sciences (KUDH) Basics” was launched, with the first one being a LaTeX course in the summer, and KUDH2021 “Digital Transformation in the Humanities”, an international conference on digital humanities at Kyoto University for specialists, was also held. “Digital Transformation in the Humanities” was also held for specialists.

 The second KUDH Basics workshop, a literature management software workshop, will be held on February 17 and 21. On February 21, the staff of the Kyoto University Library will give a lecture on how to use Zotero, a literature management software that has been gaining popularity in recent years, which is also open to those outside the university.

 We look forward to your participation. The Introduction to Open Science part on February 17 and the Zotero lecture on February 21 will be recorded and released at a later date.



Day 1: Thursday, February 17, 13:15 – 14:45 [Kyoto University’s members only]

“Basics of article search, reference management tools and open science” (by Kyoto University Library)

  1. [Chihiro Yagisawa] Current library services (10 minutes)
  2. [Video] First Article Search: CiNii Articles (25 minutes)
  3. [Video] How to use the literature management tool: EndNote Basic (25 min)
  4. [Chihumi Nishioka] Trend of Open Science (15 min) [Recording will be released later].
  5. Question and answer session (15 minutes)


Day 2: Monday, February 21, 13:15-14:45 [Open to the public; recording will be available later].

“Introduction to Zotero” (by Innovative Hub for Inter Humanities)

  1. [So Miyagawa] About Zotero (20 minutes)
  2. [So Miyagawa] Importing bibliographic information from Google Scholar and CiNii (10 min)
  3. [So Miyagawa] Using Zotero to cite documents in Word (30 minutes)
  4. [So Miyagawa] Using BibTeX and Zotero alternately (10 minutes) 
  5. [So Miyagawa] Citing documents with LaTeX using Zotero (10 minutes)
  6. question and answer session (10 minutes)

Method: Online via Zoom

Registration: Please fill out this form.


  • Free of charge, advance reservation required (about 30 people on a first-come-first-served basis, unlimited number of people for missed sessions)
  • The recorded video will be posted on the website (https://www.ceschi.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kyoten/) of the Graduate School of Arts and Letters. There is no need to make an advance reservation to view the video at a later date.
  • The Zotero lecture on the second day (February 21) is open to those who belong to institutions other than Kyoto University.
  • All lectures will be given in Japanese, but we can respond to questions in Japanese, English, German, and Okinawan.
  • All lectures will be given in Japanese, but questions can be asked in Japanese, English, German, and Okinawan. 

Organized by: Center for Studies of Cultural Heritage and Inter Humanities, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University

This workshop is an activity related to the Young Researcher Priority Strategy.


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