Channel: 京都大学 大学院文学研究科・文学部
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CAPE セミナー: ケアの倫理、ビジネス倫理


講演1:Prof.  Shiu-Ching Wu  (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
On the Priority of Relational Ontology: Heidegger’s Being-With and Ethics of Care

Abstract: In this talk, I offer a proposal to ground care ethics on relational ontology by using Heidegger’s ontological analysis of Dasein as Being-With.

To that purpose, I will introduce Heidegger’s fundamental ontology in general, and moves on to elaborate his conception of Dasein in terms of `care’ (Sorge) and `concern for others’ (Fürsorge).  From there, I will make explicit how Heidegger’s fundamental ontology can enrich the ontology of relationships ushered by care ethicists.

講演2 : Prof. Wen-Chang Lin (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
Ethics as the Learning Goal of Business Education – The Standard of AACSB Accreditation

Abstract: In this talk, I address the role of ethics as the major learning goal for students in Taiwan’s business schools under the AACSB accreditation currently also pursued by a large number of business schools in Asia countries.  I will also briefly introduce the newly developed “financial ethics” and discuss the possible collaboration between business schools and humanity schools.

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